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Sponsor a Child with CRF

For just $35 a month, you can empower a child and help them escape the cycle of poverty!
is ready to flourish.
DOB: 11/12/2019
Gender: Female
Location: San Marcos, Honduras
needs a helping hand.
DOB: 04/27/2014
Gender: Male
Location: CRF Kitale, Kenya
is full of hope and possibility!
DOB: 07/13/2012
Gender: Male
Location: Bungoma, Kenya
was made in the image of God.
DOB: 04/15/2010
Gender: Male
Location: Rongo, Kenya
is bright and full of hope.
DOB: 09/25/2007
Gender: Male
Location: Mombasa, Kenya
needs hope for the future.
DOB: 01/01/2017
Gender: Female
Location: Bungoma, Kenya
is ready to learn at school.
DOB: 12/19/2018
Gender: Male
Location: Eldoret, Kenya
hopes for an education.
DOB: 04/19/2007
Gender: Female
Location: Eldoret, Kenya
is loved by Jesus.
DOB: 03/15/2008
Gender: Female
Location: Eldoret, Kenya
is in need of support.
DOB: 12/27/2018
Gender: Male
Location: Campamento, Honduras
Your gifts provide water, shelter, education and the GOSPEL to children in need.